Thank you for a wonderFULL day before me.
I receive this day as the GIFT that it is...full of JOY, LOVE, LAUGHTER, and PEACE. Thank you God!
I absolutely deny any lack or limitation in my life. I accept God's abundance in ALL areas of my life and I thank you God, IN ADVANCE, for an abundant and prosperous day.
I accept the GRATITUDE, total and perfect health, every cell and every atom in my body radiates God's perfect love.
I JOYFULLY surrender this day to God, knowing that you know that you walk with me in EVERY MOMENT, showing me where to go, who to see, what to say, and what to do.
My life RADIATES perfect joy, perfect love, perfect health, and perfect peace and I go EMPOWERED in the knowing that my life IS perfect!
I love myself, I greet today EXPECTING MIRACLES, for my life IS a miracle. THANK YOU GOD for this perfect day!!!